FH Packaging Shipping Policy
Our standard warehouse processing time is 1 – 2 business days. Please allow an additional 1 – 5 business days for transit. From order placement to receipt of the product may take between 2 to 7 business days, if shipped in the continental US. Unless specifically requested, orders will ship via UPS Ground.
In the event that an item is out of stock, you will be contacted with options for replacements or backorders. If there is no response within 24 hours, we will ship all items we have on hand and backorder any remaining items. Backorders will be shipped once the product has arrived in our warehouse.
**ATTENTION** Upon receipt of material, BEFORE SIGNING, please inspect for damage and incorrect quantity (including hidden damage). *Any damage or change needs to be logged!
Customer Shipper Account Numbers
We do accept customer shipper account numbers (UPS and FedEx ONLY).
Use the Coupon Code: SHIPLABEL
and Add Your Carrier Account Number within the Order Notes
LTL shipments can be arranged by customer with 24 hour notice.
Shipping for International Orders:
The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to such import taxes, custom duties, and fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient’s country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the receiver; FH Packing has no control over these charges, nor can FH Packing predict what they may be.

FH Packaging Shipping Policy with Route+
FH Packaging is proud to partner with Route, the leader in package protection and tracking solutions. By selecting Route+ at checkout your order will be protected from damage, loss*, or theft. In the unfortunate case that your order never comes or is broken upon arrival, you can easily file a claim with Route and receive a replacement or be fully reimbursed. We are excited to offer this service to you and we highly recommend you use Route+ package protection at checkout.
*Claims for packages marked “delivered” must be filed after 5 days and before 15 days from the date the package was marked “delivered.” Claims for packages presumed to be lost (where the status is not “delivered”) must be filed after 7 (20 for international) days and within 30 days from the last checkpoint.